Implementation of the SEEDS experimental restoration framework can move management options toward strategic treatments that increase project success, reduce the need for repeated treatments, and reduce costs. We will restore functional and resilient Great Basin ecosystems through, 1) experiments using local management and researcher knowledge, 2) monitoring a suite of integrated ecosystem processes, 3) determining…
Barga, S.C.; Olwell, P.; Edwards, F.; Prescott, L.; Leger, E.A. 2020. Seeds of Success: A conservation and restoration investment in the future of U.S. lands. Conservation Science and Practice. 2(7): e209.
Barga, S.C.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Jensen, S.; Kulpa, S.M.; Agneray, A.C.; Leger, E.A. 2022. Not all seed transfer zones are created equal: Using fire history to identify seed needs in the Cold Deserts of the Western US. bioRxiv: 10.1101/2022.08.15.503985v1.
Barga, S.C.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Jensen, S.; Kulpa, S.M.; Agneray, A.C.; Leger, E.A. 2022. Not all seed transfer zones are created equal: Using fire history to identify seed needs in the cold deserts of the western US. bioRxiv 2022.08.15.503985. *This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review
Jain, T.B.; Abrahamson, I.; Anderson, N.; Hood, S.; Hanberry, B.; Kilkenny, F.; McKinney, S.; Ott, J.; Urza, A.; Chambers, J.; Battaglia, M.; Varner, M.; O’Brien, J.J. 2021. Effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale: State of understanding and key research gaps. PROJECT ID: 19-S-01-2. Boise, ID: Joint Fire Sciences Program. 65 p.
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Ott, J.E.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Summers, D.D.; Thompson, T.W.; Petersen, S.L. 2021. Post-fire succession of seeding treatments in relation to reference communities in the Great Basin. Applied Vegetation Science. 25(1): e12633.
Kilkenny, F.; Edwards, F.; Irwin, J.; Barga, S. 2018. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2017 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 211 p.
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Thompson, T.W.; Roundy, B.A.; McArthur, E.D.; Jessop, B.D.; Waldron, B.; Davis, J.N. 2006. Fire rehabilitation using native and introduced species: A landscape trial. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 59(3): 237-248.