
Publication Type


Annual-perennial lifespan variation in Chaenactis douglasii suggests a drought escape strategy in warm-arid environments (2024)

Amos, C.H.; Richardson, B.A.; Barga, S.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Dumroese, R.K. 2024. Annual-perennial lifespan variation in Chaenactis douglasii suggests a drought escape strategy in warm-arid environments. American Journal of Botany. 111(9): e16391.

Adaptation and Forbs | Journal Article

Fine-scale spatial genetic structure in a locally abundant native bunchgrass (Achnatherum thurberianum) including distinct lineages revealed within seed transfer zones (2023)

Osuna-Mascaro, C.; Agneray, A.C.; Galland, L.M.; Leger, E.A.; Parchman, T.L. 2023. Fine-scale spatial genetic structure in a locally abundant native bunchgrass (Achnatherum thurberianum) including distinct lineages revealed within seed transfer zones. Evolutionary Applications. 16(5): 979-996.

Adaptation, Genetics, and Grasses | Journal Article

Does a history of population co-occurrence predict plant performance, community productivity, or invasion resistance? (2023)

Agneray, A.C.; Forister, M.L.; Parchman, T.L.; Leger, E.A. 2023. Does a history of population co-occurrence predict plant performance, community productivity, or invasion resistance? Ecology. 104(7): e4100.

Establishment, Forbs, Grasses, Nonnative species, Phenology, Reproduction, and Shrubs | Journal Article

Phenotypes and environment predict seedling survival for seven co-occurring Great Basin plant taxa growing with invasive grass (2022)

Agneray, A.C.; Parchman, T.L.; Leger, E.A. 2022. Phenotypes and environment predict seedling survival for seven co-occurring Great Basin plant taxa growing with invasive grass. Ecology and Evolution. 12(5): e8870.

Common garden, Establishment, Forbs, Germination, Grasses, and Growth characteristics | Journal Article

Genomic and common garden approaches yield complementary results for quantifying environmental drivers of local adaptation in rubber rabbitbrush, a foundational Great Basin shrub (2021)

Faske, T.M.; Agneray, A.C.; Jahner, J.P.; Sheta, L.M.; Leger, E.A.; Parchman, T.L. 2021. Genomic and common garden approaches yield complementary results for quantifying environmental drivers of local adaptation in rubber rabbitbrush, a foundational Great Basin shrub. Evolutionary Applications. 14(12): 2881-2900.

Adaptation, Common garden, Genetics, and Shrubs | Journal Article

Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2022 Progress Report (2023)

Kilkenny, F.; Ott, J.; Barga, S.; Irwin, J.; Rizkowsky, K.; Campbell, N.; Richardson, B.; Milano, E.; Gucker, C. 2023. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2022 Progress Report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 53 p.

Common garden, Forbs, Grasses, Restoration/revegetation, and Shrubs | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Project Report 2018-2021 (2022)

Kilkenny, F.F. 2022. Great Basin Native Plant Project Report 2018-2021. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 65 p.

Common garden, Forbs, Grasses, and Restoration/revegetation | Annual report

Using climate-driven adaptive evolution to guide seed sourcing for restoration in a diverse North American herb-shrub species (2022)

Johnson, R.C.; Love, S.L.; Carver, D.; Irish, B.M. 2022. Using climate-driven adaptive evolution to guide seed sourcing for restoration in a diverse North American herb-shrub species. Restoration Ecology. 31(4): e13856.

Adaptation, Common garden, Forbs, and Seed zones | Journal Article

Strategic partnerships to leverage small wins for fine fuels management (2023)

Arispe, S.A.; Johnson, D.D.; Wollstein, K.L.; Hulet, A.; Jensen, S.; Schultz, B.W.; Sprinkle, J.E.; McDaniel, M.F.; Ryan, T.; Mackenzie, M.; Cunningham, S. 2023.  Strategic partnerships to leverage small wins for fine fuels management. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 89: 94-103.

Fuel treatment and Nonnative species | Journal Article

Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions (2019)

Cooke, B.; Richardson, B.; Kilkenny, F.; St. Clair, B.; Finch, D.; Prendeville, H. 2019. Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions. Science You Can Use Bulletin, Issue 35. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 11 p.

Climate, Decision support, Sage-grouse, and Shrubs | Tech Note/Fact Sheet