Hydrothermal assessment of temporal variability in seedbed microclimate

Hardegree, S.P.; Moffet, C.A.; Flerchinger, G.N.; Cho, J.; Roundy, B.A.; Jones, T.A.; James, J.J.; Clark, P.E.; Pierson, F.B. 2013. Hydrothermal assessment of temporal variability in seedbed microclimate. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66(2): 127-135.

Wide-scale population sampling identifies three phylogenetic races of basin wildrye and low-level genetic admixture with creeping wildrye

Culumber, C.M.; Larson, S.R.; Jones, T.A.; Jensen, K.B. 2013. Wide-scale population sampling identifies three phylogenetic races of basin wildrye and low-level genetic admixture with creeping wildrye. Crop Science. 53: 996-1007.

First-year establishment, biomass and seed production of early vs. late seral natives in two medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) invaded soils.

Uselman, S.M.; Snyder, K.A.; Leger, E.A.; Duke, S.E. 2014. First-year establishment, biomass and seed production of early vs. late seral natives in two medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) invaded soils. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 7: 291-302.

Plant recruitment and soil microbial characteristics of rehabilitation seedings following wildfire in northern Utah

Taylor, M.M.; Hild, A.L.; Shaw, N.L.; Norton, U.; Collier, T.R. 2014. Plant recruitment and soil microbial characteristics of rehabilitation seedings following wildfire in northern Utah. Restoration Ecology. 22(5): 598-607.

Can native annual forbs reduce Bromus tectorum biomass and indirectly facilitate establishment of a native perennial grass?

Leger, E.A.; Goergen, E.M.; Forbis, de Queiroz, T. 2014. Can native annual forbs reduce Bromus tectorum biomass and indirectly facilitate establishment of a native perennial grass? Journal of Arid Environments. 102: 9-16.

Emergence and early survival of early versus late seral species in Great Basin restoration in two different soil types

Uselman, S.M., Snyder, K.A., Leger, E.A., Duke, S.E. 2015. Emergence and early survival of early versus late seral species in Great Basin restoration in two different soil types. Applied Vegetation Science. 18(4): 624-636.

Abundances of coplanted native bunchgrasses and crested wheatgrass after 13 years

Nafus, A.M., Svejcar, T.J., Ganskopp, D.C., Davies, K.W. 2015. Abundances of coplanted native bunchgrasses and crested wheatgrass after 13 years. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 68: 211-214.

Disturbance history, management, and seeding year precipitation influences vegetation characteristics of crested wheatgrass stands

Nafus, A.M., Svejcar, T.J., Davies, K.W. 2016. Disturbance history, management, and seeding year precipitation influences vegetation characteristics of crested wheatgrass stands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 69: 248-256.

Evaluating strategies for facilitating native plant establishment in northern Nevada crested wheatgrass seedings

McAdoo, J.K., Swanson, J.C., Murphy, P.J., Shaw, N.L. 2017. Evaluating strategies for facilitating native plant establishment in northern Nevada crested wheatgrass seedings. Restoration Ecology. 25: 53-62.

Influence of fire and mechanical sagebrush reduction treatments on restoration seedings in Utah, United States

Wilder, L.E., Veblen, K.E., Gunnell, K.L., Monaco, T.A. 2018. Influence of fire and mechanical sagebrush reduction treatments on restoration seedings in Utah, United States. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.12860