Registration of Ribstone Indian ricegrass germplasm

Jones, T.A.; Nielson, D.C.; Phan, A.; Wark, B.; Young, S.A. 2004. Registration of Ribstone Indian ricegrass germplasm. Crop Science. 44(3): 1031-1032.

Registration of Toe Jam Creek bottlebrush squirreltail germplasm

Jones, T.A.; Nielson, D.C.; Larson, S.R.; Johnson, D.A.; Monaco, T.A.; Caicco, S.L.; Ogle, D.G.; Young, S.A.; Carlson, J.R. 2004. Registration of Toe Jam Creek bottlebrush squirreltail germplasm. Crop Science. 44(5): 1880-1881.

Registration of Fish Creek bottlebrush squirreltail germplasm

Jones, T.A.; Nielson, D.C.; Larson, S.R.; Johnson, D.A.; Monaco, T.A.; Caicco, S.L.; Ogle, D.G.; Young, S.A. 2004. Registration of Fish Creek bottlebrush squirreltail germplasm. Crop Science. 44(5): 1879-1880.

Transcriptome characterization and polymorphism detection in subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)

Bajgain, P. 2011. Transcriptome characterization and polymorphism detection in subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. Thesis. 55 p.

Morphological and genetic variation among four high desert Sphaeralcea species

Sriladda, C.; Kratsch, H.A.; Larson, S.R.; Kjelgren, R.K. 2012. Morphological and genetic variation among four high desert Sphaeralcea species. HortScience. 47(6): 715-720.

Plant vulnerabilities and genetic adaptation (Chapter 4)

Richardson, B.A.; Shaw, N.L.; Pendleton, R.L. 2012. Plant vulnerabilities and genetic adaptation (Chapter 4). In: Finch, D.M., ed. Climate change in grasslands, shrublands, and deserts of the interior American West: a review and needs of assessment. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 48-59.

Genetic variation in adaptive traits and seed transfer zones for Pseudoroegneria spicata (bluebunch wheatgrass) in the northwestern US

St. Clair, J.B.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Johnson, R.C.; Shaw, N.L.; Weaver, G. 2013. Genetic variation in adaptive traits and seed transfer zones for Pseudoroegneria spicata (bluebunch wheatgrass) in the northwestern United States. Evolutionary Applications. 6(6): 933-948.

Ecological adaptation of the endemic Shepherdia rotundifolia to conditions in its Colorado Plateau range

Sriladda, C.; Kjelgren, R.; Kratsch, H.A.; Monaco, T.; Larson, S.R.; Shen, F.A. 2014. Ecological adaptation of the endemic Shepherdia rotundifolia to conditions in its Colorado Plateau range. Western North American Naturalist. 74(1): 79-91.

What can natural selection tell us about restoration? Finding the best seed sources for use in disturbed systems

Leger, E.A.; Baughman, O.W. 2014. What can natural selection tell us about restoration? Finding the best seed sources for use in disturbed systems (Chapter 2.1). In: Kiehl, K.; A. Kirmer; N. Shaw; S. Tischew (eds.) Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars: 14-36.

Adaptive responses reveal contemporary and future ecotypes in a desert shrub

Richardson, B.A.; Kitchen, S.G.; Pendleton, R.L.; Pendleton, B.K.; Germino, M.J.; Rehfeldt, G.E.; Meyer, S.E. 2014. Adaptive responses reveal contemporary and future ecotypes in a desert shrub. Ecological Applications. 24(2): 413-427.