
Publication Type


Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2016 progress report (2017)

Kilkenny, F.; Edwards, F.; Irwin, J.; Barga, S. 2017. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2016 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 211 p.

Climate, Field cultivation, Forbs, Genetics, Grasses, Irrigation, Nonnative species, Restoration/revegetation, Seed zones, Shrubs, Soils/soil microbes, and Species interactions | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2015 progress report (2016)

Kilkenny, F.; Edwards, F.; Malcomb, A. 2016. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2015 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab. 238 p.

Climate, Establishment, Field cultivation, Forbs, Genetics, Grasses, Irrigation, Nonnative species, Pollination, Restoration/revegetation, Seed increase, Shrubs, and Species interactions | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2014 progress report (2015)

Kilkenny, F.; Halford, A.; Malcomb, A. 2015. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2014 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 194 p.

Establishment, Field cultivation, Forbs, Genetics, Grasses, Irrigation, Pollination, Restoration equipment, Restoration/revegetation, Seed increase, Seed zones, Shrubs, and Succession | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2013 Progress Report (2014)

Kilkenny, F.; Shaw, N.; Gucker, C. 2014. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2013 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 222 p.

Establishment, Field cultivation, Forbs, Genetics, Germination, Grasses, Growth characteristics, Nonnative species, Pests, Pollination, Restoration equipment, Restoration/revegetation, Seed zones, Shrubs, and Species interactions | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2010 Progress Report (2011)

Shaw, N.; Pellant, M. 2011. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2010 Progress Report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 192 p.

Common garden, Genetics, Germination, Grasses, Growth characteristics, Pests, Pollination, Restoration/revegetation, Seed zones, Soils/soil microbes, and Species interactions | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2011 Progress Report (2012)

Shaw, N.; Pellant, M. 2012. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2011 Progress Report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Grassland, Shrubland and Desert Research Program. 212 p.

Common garden, Forbs, Genetics, Germination, Grasses, Restoration/revegetation, Seed increase, and Shrubs | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2008 progress report (2009)

Shaw, N.; Pellant, M., eds. 2009. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2008 progress report. Boise, ID: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Grassland, Desert and Shrubland Research Program. 170 p.

Field cultivation, Forbs, Genetics, Grasses, Irrigation, Pests, Pollination, Restoration equipment, Restoration/revegetation, and Shrubs | Annual report

Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2012 progress report (2013)

Shaw, N.; Pellant, M. 2013. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2012 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. 278 p.

Field cultivation, Forbs, Grasses, and Restoration/revegetation | Annual report

Equipment and strategies to enhance the post-wildfire establishment and persistence of Great Basin native plants (2011)

Shaw, N., Newingham, B., Ganguili, A.C., Hild, A.L., Cox, R.D., Truax, J., Pellant, M., Pyke, D., Ogle, D. 2011. Equipment and strategies to enhance the post-wildfire establishment and persistence of Great Basin native plants. Final Report 07-1-3-12. Boise, ID: Joint Fire Science Program. 30 p.

Establishment, Nonnative species, Restoration equipment, Restoration/revegetation, Shrubs, Species interactions, and Survival | General Technical Report/Synthesis

Green strips or vegetative fuel breaks (2009)

St. John, L.; Ogle, D.G. 2009. Green strips or vegetative fuel breaks. Tech. Note No. 16. Aberdeen, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center. 16 p.

Fuel treatment, Grasses, Nonnative species, and Site preparation | Tech Note/Fact Sheet