
Publication Type


Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration (2014)

Kiehl, K.; Kirmer, A.; Shaw, N.; Tischew, S., eds. 2014. Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars. 315 p.

Field cultivation, Genetics, Grasses, and Restoration equipment | Book

Native seed production and grassland restoration, introduction (2014)

Kiehl, K.; Kirmer, A.; Tischew, S.; Shaw, N. 2014. Native seed production and grassland restoration, introduction (Chapter 1). In: Kiehl, K.; Kirmer, A.; Shaw, N.; Tischew, S. eds. Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars: 2-13.

Field cultivation, Grasses, Restoration/revegetation, and Seed increase | Book chapter

Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2013 progress report (2014)

Kilkenny, F.; Shaw, N.; Gucker, C. 2014. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2013 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 222 p.

Forbs, Grasses, and Seed increase | General Technical Report/Synthesis

Irrigation requirements for seed production of three leguminous wildflowers of the U.S. Intermountain West (2018)

Shock, C.C., Feibert, E.B.G., Rivera, A., Saunders, L.D., Shaw, N., Kilkenny, F.F. 2018. Irrigation requirements for seed production of three leguminous wildflowers of the U.S. Intermountain West. HortScience: 53(5): 692-697.

Field cultivation, Forbs, and Irrigation | Journal Article

Influence of fire and mechanical sagebrush reduction treatments on restoration seedings in Utah, United States (2018)

Wilder, L.E., Veblen, K.E., Gunnell, K.L., Monaco, T.A. 2018. Influence of fire and mechanical sagebrush reduction treatments on restoration seedings in Utah, United States. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.12860

Fire, Fuel treatment, Nonnative species, and Seeding methods | Journal Article

Climate variability affects the germination strategies exhibited by arid land plants (2017)

Barga, S., Dilts, T.E., Leger, E.A. 2017. Climate variability affects the germination strategies exhibited by arid land plants. Oecologia. 185: 437-452.

Climate, Forbs, and Germination | Journal Article

Climate adaption and post-fire restoration of a foundational perennial in cold desert: Insights from intraspecific variation in response to weather (2017)

Brabec, M.M., Germino, M.J., Richardson, B.A. 2017. Climate adaption and post-fire restoration of a foundational perennial in cold desert: Insights from intraspecific variation in response to weather. Journal of Applied Ecology. 54: 293-302.

Adaptation, Climate, Fire, Seed zones, and Shrubs | Journal Article

Climate drives adaptive genetic responses associated with survival in big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) (2017)

Chaney, L., Richardson, B.A., Germino, M.J. 2017. Climate drives adaptive genetic responses associated with survival in big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). Evolutionary Applications. 10: 313-322.

Adaptation, Climate, Genetics, Shrubs, and Survival | Journal Article

Genecology of Thurber’s needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum (Piper) Barkworth) in the Western United States (2017)

Johnson, R.C., Leger, E.A., Vance-Borland, K. 2017. Genecology of Thurber’s needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum (Piper) Barkworth) in the Western United States. Rangeland Ecology and Management.

Adaptation, Climate, Genetics, Restoration/revegetation, and Seed zones | Journal Article

Evaluating strategies for facilitating native plant establishment in northern Nevada crested wheatgrass seedings (2017)

McAdoo, J.K., Swanson, J.C., Murphy, P.J., Shaw, N.L. 2017. Evaluating strategies for facilitating native plant establishment in northern Nevada crested wheatgrass seedings. Restoration Ecology. 25: 53-62.

Nonnative species and Weed control | Journal Article