
Publication Type


Incorporating plant mortality and recruitment into rangeland management and assessment (2014)

Svejcar, T.; James, J.; Hardegree, S.; Sheley, R. 2014. Incorporating plant mortality and recruitment into rangeland management and assessment. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 67: 603-613.

Rangeland management, Species interactions, and Succession | Journal Article

Plant recruitment and soil microbial characteristics of rehabilitation seedings following wildfire in northern Utah (2014)

Taylor, M.M.; Hild, A.L.; Shaw, N.L.; Norton, U.; Collier, T.R. 2014. Plant recruitment and soil microbial characteristics of rehabilitation seedings following wildfire in northern Utah. Restoration Ecology. 22(5): 598-607.

Fire, Grasses, Nonnative species, Seeding methods, Soils/soil microbes, and Species interactions | Journal Article

Planning and implementation of restoration projects using native seed and plant material (2014)

Tischew, S; Kirmer, A.; Kiehl, K.; Shaw, N. 2014. Planning and implementation of restoration projects using native seed and plant material. In: Kiehl, K.; Kirmer, A.; Shaw, N.; Tischew, S. eds. Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars: 286-300.

Decision support, Grasses, Restoration/revegetation, and Weed control | Book chapter

First-year establishment, biomass and seed production of early vs. late seral natives in two medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) invaded soils. (2014)

Uselman, S.M.; Snyder, K.A.; Leger, E.A.; Duke, S.E. 2014. First-year establishment, biomass and seed production of early vs. late seral natives in two medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) invaded soils. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 7: 291-302.

Establishment, Forbs, Grasses, Growth characteristics, Nonnative species, Shrubs, Soils/soil microbes, Species interactions, and Succession | Journal Article

Farmer’s market, demonstration gardens, and research projects expand outreach of extension Master Gardeners (2013)

Bennett, P.J.; Bauske, E.M.; O’Connor, A.S.; Reeder, J.; Busch, C.; Kratsch, H.A.; Leger, E.; O’Callaghan, A.; Nitzche, P.J.; Downer, J. 2013. Farmer’s market, demonstration gardens, and research projects expand outreach of extension Master Gardeners. HortTechnology. 23(4): 411-415.

Horticulture | Journal Article

New records and new host plants of powdery mildews (Erysiphales) from Idaho and Oregon (USA) (2013)

Braun, U.; Mohan, S.K. 2013. New records and new host plants of powdery mildews (Erysiphales) from Idaho and Oregon (USA). Schlechtendalia. 27: 7-10.

Pests | Journal Article

Seed-feeding beetles from legumes and other forbs needed for restoring rangelands of the Intermountain West (2013)

Cane, J.H.; Johnson, C., Napoles, J.R.; Johnson, D.A; Hammon, R. 2013. Seed-feeding beetles (Bruchinae, Curculionidae, Brentidae) from legumes (Dalea ornata, Astragalus filipes) and other forbs needed for restoring rangelands of the Intermountain West. Western North American Naturalist. 73(4): 477-484.

Forbs, Legume, and Pests | Journal Article

Wide-scale population sampling identifies three phylogenetic races of basin wildrye and low-level genetic admixture with creeping wildrye (2013)

Culumber, C.M.; Larson, S.R.; Jones, T.A.; Jensen, K.B. 2013. Wide-scale population sampling identifies three phylogenetic races of basin wildrye and low-level genetic admixture with creeping wildrye. Crop Science. 53: 996-1007.

Genetics, Grasses, and Nonnative species | Journal Article

Hydrothermal assessment of temporal variability in seedbed microclimate (2013)

Hardegree, S.P.; Moffet, C.A.; Flerchinger, G.N.; Cho, J.; Roundy, B.A.; Jones, T.A.; James, J.J.; Clark, P.E.; Pierson, F.B. 2013. Hydrothermal assessment of temporal variability in seedbed microclimate. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66(2): 127-135.

Climate, Establishment, Grasses, and Nonnative species | Journal Article

A systems approach to restoring degraded drylands (2013)

James, J.J.; Sheley, R.L.; Erickson, T.; Rollins, K.S.; Taylor, M.H.; Dixon, K.W. 2013. A systems approach to restoring degraded drylands. Journal of Applied Ecology. 50: 730-739.

Restoration/revegetation | Journal Article