
Publication Type


A field guide to plants of the Boise foothills (2013)

Utz, J.; Pellant, M.; Gardetto, J. 2013. A field guide to plants of the Boise foothills. Boise, ID: Healthy Hills Initiative. 170 p.

Forbs, Grasses, and Shrubs | Field Guide

Basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus) pooled tetraploid accessions for U.S. Intermountain rangeland reclamation (2013)

Young, S. A.; Vernon, J.; Shaw, N. 2013. Basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus) pooled tetraploid accessions for U.S. Intermountain rangeland reclamation. In: Michalk, D.L.; Millar, G.D.; Badgery, W.B.; Broadfoot, K.M. eds. Proceedings: 22nd International Grassland Congress; 2013 September 15-19. Sydney, Australia. Orange, Australia: New South Wales Department of Primary Industry: 381-382.

Genetics, Grasses, and Seed zones | Proceeding

A strategy for maximizing native plant material diversity for ecological restoration, germplasm conservation and genecology research (2013)

Youtie, B.; Shaw, N.; Fisk, M.; Jensen, S. 2013. A strategy for maximizing native plant material diversity for ecological restoration, germplasm conservation and genecology research. 8th European Conference on Ecological Restoration. Ceske Buddejovice, Czech Republic, September 9-14, 2012. SER Europe Knowledge Base on Ecological Restoration in Europe.

Restoration/revegetation, Seed zones, and Shrubs | Proceeding

A novel plant-fungal mutualism associated with fire (2012)

Baynes, M.A.; Newcombe, G.; Dixon, L.; Castlebury, L.; O’Donnell, K. 2012. A novel plant-fungal mutualism associated with fire. Fungal Biology. 116: 133-144.

Growth characteristics, Nonnative species, and Soils/soil microbes | Journal Article

A mutualistic interaction between a fungivorous nematode and a fungus within the endophytic community of Bromus tectorum (2012)

Baynes, M.A.; Russell, D.M.; Newcombe, G.; Carta, L.K.; Rossman, A.Y.; Ismail, A. 2012. A mutualistic interaction between a fungivorous nematode and a fungus within the endophytic community of Bromus tectorum. Fungal Ecology 5: 610-623.

Nonnative species and Soils/soil microbes | Journal Article

Breeding biology and bee guild of Douglas’ dustymaiden, Chaenactis douglasii (Asteraceae, Helenieae) (2012)

Cane, J.H.; Love, B.; Swoboda, K.A. 2012. Breeding biology and bee guild of Douglas’ dustymaiden, Chaenactis douglasii (Asteraceae, Helenieae). Western North American Naturalist. 72: 563-568.

Forbs, Pollination, and Reproduction | Journal Article

Breeding biologies, pollinators, and seed beetles of two prairie-clovers, Dalea ornata and Dalea searlsiae (Fabaceae: Amorpheae), from the Intermountain West, USA (2012)

Cane, J.H.; Weber, M.; Miller, S. 2012. Breeding biologies, pollinators, and seed beetles of two prairie-clovers, Dalea ornata and Dalea searlsiae (Fabaceae: Amorpheae), from the Intermountain West, USA. Western North American Naturalist. 72: 16-20.

Forbs, Legume, Pollination, and Reproduction | Journal Article

Decision support: Vulnerability, conservation, and restoration (Chapter 8) (2012)

Friggens, M.M.; Pinto, J.R.; Dumroese, R.K.; Shaw, N.L. 2012. Decision support: Vulnerability, conservation, and restoration (Chapter 8). In: Finch, D.M., ed. Climate change in grasslands, shrublands, and deserts of the interior American West: a review and needs assessment. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 116-139.

Decision support, Rangeland management, and Restoration/revegetation | General Technical Report/Synthesis

Seed-feeding insects impacting globemallow seed production (2012)

Hammon, R.; Franklin, M. 2012. Seed-feeding insects impacting globemallow seed production. Native Plants Journal. 13(2): 95-97.

Field cultivation, Forbs, and Pests | Journal Article

Some insects affecting Penstemon seed production (2012)

Hammon, R.; Franklin, M. 2012. Some insects affecting Penstemon seed production. Native Plants Journal. 13(2): 107-111.

Field cultivation, Forbs, and Pests | Journal Article