
Publication Type


Sagebrush, common and uncommon, palatable and unpalatable (2005)

McArthur, E.D. 2005. Sagebrush, common and uncommon, palatable and unpalatable. Rangelands. 27(4): 47-51.

Shrubs | Journal Article

Nine-year reciprocal transplant experiment in the gardens of the basin and mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae) hybrid zone of Salt Creek Canyon: The importance of multiple-year tracking of fitness (2005)

Miglia, K.J.; McArthur, E.D.; Moore, W.S.; Wang, H.; Graham, J.H.; Freeman, D.C. 2005. Nine-year reciprocal transplant experiment in the gardens of the basin and mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae) hybrid zone of Salt Creek Canyon: the importance of multiple-year tracking of fitness. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 86(2): 213-225.

Hybridization and Shrubs | Journal Article

Reseeding big sagebrush: Techniques and issues (2005)

Shaw, N.L.; DeBolt, A.M.; Rosentreter, R. 2005. Reseeding big sagebrush: Techniques and issues. In: Shaw, N.L.; Pellant, M.; Monsen, S.B., comps. 2005. Sage-grouse habitat restoration symposium proceedings; 2001 June 4-7, Boise, ID. Proc. RMRS-P-38. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 99-108.

Germination, Outplanting, Restoration/revegetation, Seed storage, Seeding methods, and Shrubs | General Technical Report/Synthesis

Increasing native forb seed supplies for the Great Basin (2005)

Shaw, N.L.; Lambert, S.M.; DeBolt, A.M.; Pellant, M. 2005. Increasing native forb seed supplies for the Great Basin. In: Dumroese, R.K.; Riley, L.E.; Landis, T.D., tech. coords. 2005. National proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations—2004; 2004 July 12–15; Charleston, NC; and 2004 July 26–29; Medford, OR. Proc. RMRS-P-35. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 94-102.

Forbs and Seed increase | Proceeding

Genes controlling plant growth in Leymus (Triticeae): Maize barren stalk1 (ba1), rice lax panicle, and wheat tiller inhibition (tin3) genes as possible candidates (2008)

Kaur, P.; Larson, S.R.; Bushman, B.S.; Wang, R.R.C.; Mott, I.W.; Hole, D.; Thimmapuram, J.; Gong, G.; Liu, L. 2008. Genes controlling plant growth in Leymus (Triticeae): Maize barren stalk1 (ba1), rice lax panicle, and wheat tiller inhibition (tin3) genes as possible candidates. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 8: 375-386.

Genetics, Grasses, Hybridization, and Nonnative species | Journal Article

Alnus maritima ssp. oklahomensis performance in non-irrigated landscapes in the Intermountain West (2008)

Kratsch, H.A. 2008. Alnus maritima ssp. oklahomensis performance in non-irrigated landscapes in the Intermountain West. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 26(4): 229-234.

Germination, Irrigation, and Nursery cultivation | Journal Article

Age structure and expansion of pinyon-juniper woodlands: A regional perspective in the Intermountain West (2008)

Miller, R.F.; Tausch, R.J.; McArthur, E.D.; Johnson, D.D.; Sanderson, S.C. 2008. Age structure and expansion of pinyon-juniper woodlands: A regional perspective in the Intermountain West. Research Paper. RMRS-RP-69. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 15 p.

Decision support, Rangeland management, and Woodlands | General Technical Report/Synthesis

Origin of the flax release ‘Appar’ and its taxonomic position with the Linum perenne L. complex (2008)

Pendleton, R.L.; Kitchen, S.G.; Mudge, J.; McArthur, E.D. 2008. Origin of the flax release ‘Appar’ and its taxonomic position with the Linum perenne L. complex. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 169(3): 445-453.

Common garden, Genetics, Germplasm releases, and Growth characteristics | Journal Article

Syringa L.: Lilac (2008)

Rudolf, P.O.; Slabaugh, P.E.; Shaw, N.L. 2008. Syringa L.: Lilac. In: Bonner, Franklin T.; Karrfalt, Robert P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 1083-1086.

Germination, Growth characteristics, and Nursery cultivation | Book chapter

Grayia spinoa (Hook.) Moq.: Spiny hopsage. (2008)

Shaw, N.L.; Haferkamp, M.R.; Hurd, E.G. 2008. Grayia spinoa (Hook.) Moq.: Spiny hopsage. In: Bonner, Franklin T.; Karrfalt, Robert P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 567-572.

Germination, Growth characteristics, Nursery cultivation, Outplanting, Seed cleaning, Seed harvesting, Seeding methods, and Shrubs | Book chapter