
Publication Type


Fuel treatment effectiveness at the landscape scale: A systematic review of simulation studies comparing treatment scenarios in North America (2023)

Ott, J.E.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Jain, T.B. 2023. Fuel treatment effectiveness at the landscape scale: A systematic review of simulation studies comparing treatment scenarios in North America. Fire Ecology. 19: 10.

Fuel treatment and Modeling | Journal Article

How predictable are evolutionary responses to environment? Comparing trait-environment relationships among three species of Asteraceae forbs in the Great Basin (2022)

Bartz, T.A. 2022. How predictable are evolutionary responses to environment? Comparing trait-environment relationships among three species of Asteraceae forbs in the Great
Basin. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Reno. Thesis. 80 p.

Common garden, Forbs, and Growth characteristics | Thesis/Dissertation

Spatial models can improve the experimental design of field-based transplant gardens by preventing bias due to neighborhood crowding (2022)

Zaiats, A.; Requena-Mullor, J.M.; Germino, M.J.; Forbey, J.S.; Richardson, B.A.; Caughlin, T.T. 2022. Spatial models can improve the experimental design of field-based transplant gardens by preventing bias due to neighborhood crowding. Ecology and Evolution. 12(12): e9630.

Common garden | Journal Article

Web-based tools for sourcing seeds adapted to future climates (2022)

Richardson, B.A.; Kilkenny, F.F. 2022. Web-based tools for sourcing seeds adapted to future climates. Research Highlights. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Online:

Climate, Decision support, and Restoration/revegetation |

Forb genetic research provides a basis for restoration (2022)

Richardson, B.A.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Milano, E.R.; Islam-Faridi, N. 2022. Forb genetic research provides a basis for restoration. Research Highlight. Ft. Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Online:

Forbs, Genetics, and Restoration/revegetation | Tech Note/Fact Sheet

Assessment of population genetics and climatic variability can refine climate-informed seed transfer guidelines (2020)

Massatti, R.; Shriver, R.K.; Winkler, D.E.; Richardson, B.A.; Bradford, J.B. 2020. Assessment of population genetics and climatic variability can refine climate-informed seed transfer guidelines. Restoration Ecology. 28(3): 485-493.

Genetics, Restoration/revegetation, and Seed zones | Journal Article

Seeds of Success: A conservation and restoration investment in the future of U.S. lands (2020)

Barga, S.C.; Olwell, P.; Edwards, F.; Prescott, L.; Leger, E.A. 2020. Seeds of Success: A conservation and restoration investment in the future of U.S. lands. Conservation Science and Practice. 2(7): e209.

Climate, Fire, Restoration/revegetation, and Seed banks | Journal Article

Not all seed transfer zones are created equal: Using fire history to identify seed needs in the Cold Deserts of the Western US (2022)

Barga, S.C.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Jensen, S.; Kulpa, S.M.; Agneray, A.C.; Leger, E.A. 2022. Not all seed transfer zones are created equal: Using fire history to identify seed needs in the Cold Deserts of the Western US. bioRxiv: 10.1101/2022.08.15.503985v1.

Decision support, Fire, and Seed zones | Journal Article

Effects of climate change on invasive species (2021)

Finch, D.M.; Butler, J.L.; Runyon, J.B.; Fettig, C.J.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Jose, S.; Frankel, S.J.; Cushman, S.A.; Cobb, R.C.; Dukes, J.S.; Hicke, J.A.; Amelon, S.K. 2021. Effects of climate change on invasive species. In: Poland, T.M.; Finch, D.M.; Hayes, D.C.; Patel-Weyand, T.; Miniat, C.F.; Lopez, V.M., eds. Invasive species in forests and rangelands of the United States. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 57-84.

Climate and Nonnative species | Book chapter

Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2011 progress report (2012)

Shaw, Nancy; Pellant, Mike. 2012. Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project: 2011 progress report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Grassland, Shrubland and Desert Research Program. 212 p.

Common garden, Forbs, Genetics, Grasses, Growth characteristics, Irrigation, Seed zones, and Shrubs | Annual report