Publication Type
Establishing big sagebrush and other shrubs from planting stock (2015)
Shaw, N. L.; Halford, A.; McAdoo, J. K. 2015. Establishing big sagebrush and other shrubs from planting stock. Great Basin Fact Sheet Series Number 8. Reno, NV: Great Basin Fire Science Exchange. 6 p.
Nursery cultivation, Outplanting, and Shrubs | Tech Note/Fact SheetSeed production and field establishment of hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens) (2015)
Tilley, Derek J. 2015. Seed production and field establishment of hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens). Native Plants Journal. 16(1): 61-66.
Establishment, Field cultivation, Forbs, Seed harvesting, Seeding methods, Site preparation, and Weed control | Journal ArticleDirect surface seeding systems for successful establishment of native wildflowers (2013)
Shock, C.; Feibert, E.; Saunders, L.: Shaw, N. 2013. Direct surface seeding systems for successful establishment of native wildflowers. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station. Ext/CrS 149: 159-165.
Establishment, Field cultivation, Forbs, Seeding methods, and Weed control | Tech Note/Fact SheetEvaluation of seed scarification for the establishment of three Intermountain West native legumes (2012)
Shock, C.; Feibert, E.; Parris, C.; Saunders, L.; Johnson, D.; Bushman, S.; Shaw, N. 2012. Evaluation of seed scarification for the establishment of three Intermountain West native legumes. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station. Malheur Experiment Station Annual Report 2011, Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/CrS 141: 136-138.
Field cultivation, Forbs, Germination, Legume, Seed coating/pretreatments, and Seeding methods | Tech Note/Fact SheetOperational success of direct surface seeding strategies for establishment of Intermountain West native plants (2011)
Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Parris, C.A.; Saunders, L.D.; Shaw, N.L. 2011. Operational success of direct surface seeding strategies for establishment of Intermountain West native plants. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station. Annual Report 2010, Ext/CrS 132: 179-185.
Establishment, Field cultivation, Forbs, Grasses, Seeding methods, and Site preparation | Tech Note/Fact SheetEmergence of native plant seeds in response to seed pelleting, planting depth, scarification and soil anti-crusting treatment (2010)
Shock, C.; Feibert, E.; Saunders, L.; Shaw, N. 2010. Emergence of native plant seeds in response to seed pelleting, planting depth, scarification and soil anti-crusting treatment. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station. Annual Report 2009, OSU Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/Crs 131: 218-222.
Field cultivation, Forbs, Germination, Legume, Seed coating/pretreatments, Seed increase, and Seeding methods | Tech Note/Fact SheetScarification of basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes) seed for improved emergence (2008)
Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Saunders, L.D. 2008. Scarification of basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes) seed for improved emergence. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station. Annual Report 2007. Special Report 1087: 204-205.
Irrigation requirements of annual native wildflower species for seed production, fall 2012 planting (2014)
Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Saunders, L.D.; Shaw, N. 2014. Irrigation requirements of annual native wildflower species for seed production, fall 2012 planting. Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station Annual Report 2013, Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/CrS 149: 193-197.
Field cultivation, Forbs, Irrigation, and Seed increase | Tech Note/Fact SheetIrrigation requirements for native wildflower seed production for perennial and annual species planted in the fall of 2009 (2014)
Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Saunders, L.D.; Shaw, N. 2014. Irrigation requirements for native wildflower seed production for perennial and annual species planted in the fall of 2009. In: Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station Annual Report 2013, Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/CrS 149: 184-192.
Forbs, Irrigation, Legume, and Seed increase | Tech Note/Fact SheetDrip irrigation: An introduction (2013)
Shock, C.C. 2013. Drip irrigation: An introduction. Sustainable Agriculture Techniques, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis. EM 8782-E. 8 p.
Irrigation | Tech Note/Fact Sheet