Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions

Cooke, B.; Richardson, B.; Kilkenny, F.; St. Clair, B.; Finch, D.; Prendeville, H. 2019. Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions. Science You Can Use Bulletin, Issue 35. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 11 p.

Influence of seeding treatments on vegetation succession following wildfire

Kilkenny, F.F.; Ott, J. 2022. Influence of seeding treatments on vegetation succession following wildfire. Research Highlights. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Online:

Forb genetic research provides a basis for restoration

Richardson, B.A.; Kilkenny, F.F.; Milano, E.R.; Islam-Faridi, N. 2022. Forb genetic research provides a basis for restoration. Research Highlight. Ft. Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Online:

Web-based tools for sourcing seed adapted to future climates

Richardson, B.A.; Kilkenny, F.F.; St. Clair, J.B. 2022. Web-based tools for sourcing seed adapted to future climates. Science Spotlight. U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions

Cooke, B.; Richardson, B.; Kilkenny, F.; St. Clair, B.; Finch, D.; Prendeville, H. 2019. Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions. Science You Can Use (SYCU) – Getting climate-smart with seeds: How a new software tool helps prepare landscapes for expected future conditions. Science You Can…

Green strips or vegetative fuel breaks

St. John, L.; Ogle, D.G. 2009. Green strips or vegetative fuel breaks. Tech. Note No. 16. Aberdeen, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center. 16 p.

Calibrating the Truax Rough Rider seed drill for restoration plantings

St. John, L.; Cornforth, B.; Simonson, B.; Ogle, D.; Tilley, D. 2008. Calibrating the Truax Rough Rider seed drill for restoration plantings. Tech. Note 20. Aberdeen, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center.  15 p.

Release brochure for Amethyst Germplasm Hoary Tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens)

Tilley, Derek. 2014. Release brochure for Amethyst Germplasm Hoary Tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens). Aberdeen, ID: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center. 2 p.

Flowers at the border: Plant native flowers around your yard to attract pollinators and other beneficial insects

Kratsch, H. 2014. Flowers at the border: Plant native flowers around your yard to attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. Spec. Pub. SP-14-07. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Cooperative Extension. 12 p.

Penstemons are for Great Basin gardens

Kratsch, H. 2013. Penstemons are for Great Basin gardens. FS-13-35. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Cooperative Extension. 4 p.