Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Torr.) Maxim.: Fernbush

Shaw, N.L.; Hurd, E.G. 2008. Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Torr.) Maxim.: Fernbush. In: Bonner, F.T.; Karrfalt, R.P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 387-390.

Holodiscus (K. Koch) Maxim.: Ocean-spray.

Shaw, N.L.; Hurd, E.G.; Stickney, P.F. 2008. Holodiscus (K. Koch) Maxim.: Ocean-spray. In: Bonner, F.T.; Karrfalt, R.P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 591-594.

Zuckia brandegei (Gray) Welsh & Stutt ex Welsh: Siltbush

Shaw, N.L.; Pendleton, R.L.; Hurd, E.G. 2008. Zuckia brandegei (Gray) Welsh & Stutt ex Welsh: Siltbush. In: Bonner, F.T.; Karrfalt, R.P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. p. 1185-1189.

Cotoneaster Medik.: Cotoneaster

Slabaugh, P.E.; Shaw, N.L. 2008. Cotoneaster Medik.: Cotoneaster. In: Bonner, F.T.; Karrfalt, R.P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 442-446.

Pollinating bees crucial to farming wildflower seed for U.S. habitat restoration

Cane, J.H. 2008. Pollinating bees crucial to farming wildflower seed for U.S. habitat restoration. In: James, R.R.; Pitts-Singer, T. Bees in Agricultural Ecosystems. UK: Oxford University. Press. p. 48-64.

Purshia DC. ex Poir.: Bitterbrush, cliffrose.

Booth, D.T.; Meyer, S.E.; Shaw, N.L. 2008. Purshia DC. ex Poir.: Bitterbrush, cliffrose. In: Bonner, Franklin T.; Karrfalt, Robert P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. p. 916-921.

Assessment of range planting as a conservation practice (Chapter 4)

Hardegree, S.P.; Jones, T.A.; Roundy, B.A.; Shaw, N.L.; Monaco, T.A. 2011. Assessment of range planting as a conservation practice (Chapter 4). In: Briske, D.D., ed. Conservation benefits of rangeland practices: assessment, recommendations, and knowledge gaps. Lawrence, KS: Allen Press. p. 171-212.

Plant vulnerabilities and genetic adaptation (Chapter 4)

Richardson, B.A.; Shaw, N.L.; Pendleton, R.L. 2012. Plant vulnerabilities and genetic adaptation (Chapter 4). In: Finch, D.M., ed. Climate change in grasslands, shrublands, and deserts of the interior American West: a review and needs of assessment. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 48-59.

Species performance: The relationship between nutrient availability, life history traits, and stress

James, J.J. 2012. Species performance: the relationship between nutrient availability, life history traits, and stress (Chapter 8). In: Monaco, T.M.; Sheley, R.L., eds. Invasive plant ecology and management: Linking processes to practice. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing: 142-153.

Planning and implementation of restoration projects using native seed and plant material

Tischew, S; Kirmer, A.; Kiehl, K.; Shaw, N. 2014. Planning and implementation of restoration projects using native seed and plant material. In: Kiehl, K.; Kirmer, A.; Shaw, N.; Tischew, S. eds. Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars: 286-300.